D2x V10 Beta53 Alt Vwii Zip WORK
D2x V10 Beta53 Alt Vwii Zip >> https://bytlly.com/2tzi8t
How to Install d2x-v10-beta53-alt-vWii.zip on Your Wii U
d2x-v10-beta53-alt-vWii.zip is a file that contains a custom IOS (cIOS) for the Wii U's virtual Wii mode (vWii). A cIOS is a modified version of the official Nintendo IOS that adds new features and capabilities, such as support for USB loaders, backup launchers, and emulators. Installing a cIOS on your vWii can allow you to play backup copies of your Wii games from a USB device, as well as run homebrew applications that require enhanced access to the hardware.
However, installing a cIOS on your vWii is not without risks. If you do not follow the instructions carefully, you may end up bricking your vWii, which means rendering it unusable and potentially voiding your warranty. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you make a backup of your vWii NAND and keys before proceeding with the installation. A NAND backup is a copy of the entire internal memory of your vWii, which can be used to restore it in case of a failure. The keys are encryption codes that are unique to your vWii and are needed to decrypt and access your NAND backup.
In this article, we will show you how to install d2x-v10-beta53-alt-vWii.zip on your vWii using FIX94's d2x cIOS Installer 2.2 mod[^3^], as well as how to backup your vWii NAND and keys using Dump Mii NAND[^3^]. Please note that this guide is intended for advanced users who have some experience with hacking their Wii U and vWii. If you are not sure what you are doing, please do not attempt this procedure.
A Wii U console with firmware version 5.5.5 or lower.
A SD card formatted to FAT32 with at least 2 GB of free space.
A USB device formatted to FAT32 or NTFS with at least 8 GB of free space.
A computer with an SD card reader and a USB port.
The following files downloaded and extracted to your computer:
Step 1: Backup Your vWii NAND and Keys
Before installing any cIOS on your vWii, it is strongly advised that you make a backup of your vWii NAND and keys. This will allow you to restore your vWii in case something goes wrong during the installation or afterwards. To backup your vWii NAND and keys, follow these steps:
Extract the contents of vWii_cIOS_apps_20131218.zip to the root folder of your SD card. Note: Make sure that you donÂt have any original Wii system files (like wads) on your SD Card!
Insert the SD card into your Wii U's SD card slot.
Turn on your Wii U and launch the vWii mode by selecting the Wii Menu icon from the Wii U Menu.
Launch the Homebrew Channel from the vWii Menu. If you don't have the Homebrew Channel installed on your vWii, follow this guide to install it: https://wiiu.hacks.guide/#/vwii-modding
From the Homebrew Channel, launch Dump Mii NAND.
Press A to start dumping your vWii NAND. This may take up to an hour depending on the speed of your SD card.
When the dump is complete, press any button to return to the Homebrew Channel.
Turn off your Wii U and remove the SD card from its slot.
Insert the SD card into your computer's SD card reader.
On your computer, open the folder named \"nand.bin\" on your SD card. You should see two files: nand.bin and keys.bin. These are your vWii NAND and keys respectively.
Copy these two files to a safe location on your computer or another storage device. Do not 061ffe29dd